Features・Structure/New・Edit Screen

This is the screen to add new data or to edit existing data.
When clicked, a pop up screen is displayed.






* For details on item type, please refer to Item types and features


① Display page

This shows the resource for the page that is currently open and if it is the 'New' screen to enter new data or 'Edit' screen to edit existing data.



② Color indicator icon

Three color indicator icons may be displayed on the right side of each item name depending on the setting of the item and the purpose and use vary depending on the color.


Color Use


Red Mandatory Fields

If information is not entered in the mandatory fields, the data cannot be saved.

Green Web

For example if you are using Web Parts to connect to your website, this icon will indicate to you the items that will be posted on the website.
Data can be saved even if the fields marked with this color are left blank.



This marks the items to be used when creating PDF.
Data can be saved even if the fields marked with this color are left blank.


③ Selection of upper hierarchical data

PORTERS has a hierarchical structure, register the data of the upper level first, and then register the data of the lower level.
For data linkage, when registering lower level data, it is necessary to select which higher level data to link it to.
Essentially, you can not change the linkage of data that has already been linked.



④Candidate title

※Since the item name is customizable, it may be different from the current display
This item exits on Candidate only and it is also the title for data on the list view screen.
If data is saved with this field item blank, the name in Personal Data and the Candidate ID are automatically referenced and registered as "Name (ID)".
If some value is entered, the input value will be prioritized and automatic referencing will not be done.
When editing the name of a candidate, it is necessary to edit the name of the Personal Data as well as the contents entered in the Candidate title.
By default, candidate titles are hidden, so if you want to edit, please display the items in the customize screen.



⑤ ID

ID is automatically assigned when new data is registered and cannot be set arbitrarily by the user.
The same ID does not exist within the same resource (company, JOB, resume etc.), including deleted data, but it may be the sam in different resources.



⑥ Phase, Phase Date, Phase Memo

These items manage the status of each data and they operate as a set.
For example, in the case of candidate phase, you can manage the stage the current job seeker is in by creating options such as "entry", "interview", "seeking job", etc.
Phase date and phase memo can not be registered unless a phase is selected.
When editing data that already has a registered phase date, it is necessary to set the current date and time rather than the registered date and time.
It is not possible to register a date and time older than the registered date and time.
By customization, you can set phase advance control such that unless "Interview" is selected after "Entry", you can not proceed to subsequent phase options.
Also, by displaying the history in the sublist as the phase history, you can see what kind of phase progress that has been made in the past.
With the report function, it is possible to output the phase history including the past, so it is also suitable for KPI management.
It is not possible to output the phase history with the export function.



⑦ Resource Owner

This item is to distinguish who is in charge of this data within your company and it is a mandatory field for all data.
The user names that can be selected for this item are those registered as PORTERS users.
When the 'Add New Candidate' window opens, then name of the logged in user is displayed here. However, when you click the pencil icon to the right of the Resource Owner, the name can be changed to another user.
When registering data on behalf of another person, please remember to select the person's name as the Resource Owner.



⑧ Reference Item

This item refers to the information registered in the upper hierarchical data and displays it. (Red mark in the following capture)

【How to edit】
Move the mouse pointer over the item you want to edit, and a pencil button will appear.
By clicking on the pencil button, a pop-up window (yellow frame below) appears and enables you to edit the data in the referenced item.

*The referent = rewriting the upper level hierarchical data.
*When you click "Save" in the pop-up window, the changes will take effect.
*The Access Setting when editing an item reflect the settings of the referring item.
  When you do not have editing permission for the referenced resource, the message "You do not have permission for this action." will be displayed.

*When editing an item used in a formula on the screen to which it refers,
 the calculation will not be performed.
 For example, if there are items A, B, and C, and item C contains a formula that is [item A + item B],
 he value of item C is not automatically calculated and does not change.



⑨ In-house Shareing

This function can share the data registration internally with the person in charge, when data registration is performed on behalf of another person.
It is also possible to notify unrelated users.
The content entered in the "Message" section and the URL of the registered data will be sent as the body of the e-mail.



⑩ Save/Cancel

This is for saving or cancelling data.



⑪New addition completed popup

When new data is added, a notification pop-up appears in the lower right corner of the screen and disappears automatically after a few seconds. ( refer to the yellow frame below).

Click on the green ID number in the notification pop-up to access the detail screen of the newly added data.

*The "Add New" pop-up window will appear only when a new entry is registered from the "Add New" screen.
 In case of importing or adding a new entry via an application, the pop-up will not be displayed.
*The pop-up will only appear on the screen of the user who registered the new addition of data.
 The popup will not appear on the screens of other users.



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