HR Business Cloud(HRBC) Version 4.0.9 has the following changes .
2019/05/14 07:00~09:00
*Japan Time
*The maintenance time may be slightly off.
*HRBC system can be used throughout the maintenance hours.
1.Display of data in the matching list from exernal media linked with HRBC.
・Fixed the issue of the data in search box option fields being hidden when an existing recource of a
search box option item is copied.
・ Fixed the issue of duplicate registration of「 User Department」when the save button of
「Department-Edit」page is double clicked.
・Fixed the issue of [Edit] on the「Value」tab of「Data Conversion Setting」in Resume import apearing
in Japanese even if HRBC default language is set to English.
・ Fixed the issue of「 。」 not appearing in error message when a file other than CSV is uploaded on the「Client-import( 1/4) 」.
【Release Note】