HR Business Cloud (HRBC) Version4.0.17 has the following changes.
2020/02/12 07:00~09:00
※24-Hour clock
※The maintenance time may be slightly off.
※Services will be available continuously during the above hours.
【New features】
1 Change in the upper limit of the file size that can be uploaded
The upper limit of the file size that can be uploaded and saved in the sublist attachments has been changed from 2MB to 10MB.
2 Phases can now be edited on the merge screen
Until recently, the phases on the merge screen were fixed but from now they will be editable.
【Bug Fixes】
・Fixed the issue that if there is more than one search box type field on the sales screen, when copying the the sales data, the input content in the search box field would disappear.
・Fixed the issue of the search window display on google chrome getting distorted and being displayed to the right.