We would like to inform you about the upcoming maintenance for the PORTERS app “ZLOSS.”
■ Release Date and Time
January 28, 2024 (Tuesday) 12:00 - 13:00 JST
* There will be no service interruptions due to the release.
■ Version
ZLOSS Version 4.1.22
■ Scope of Impact
- Applicant reservation screen
- Administrator External calendar screen
- Administrator Segment screen
- Administrator Duplicated resume screen
- Administrator Phases screen
■ Functional change
- Set up a reservation for a slot within a week
Allow setting of one week slots in segment settings. (The reservation screen also supports one week)
■ Bug Fixes
- Correction of check box response range for “Online Interview” on Segment screen
Interview method in the Segment screen : The clickable area for Online Interview extends outside the text, so it will be corrected to inside the text.
- Fixed a display error of choices when the resume phase has two levels
Duplicated resume : Since only the parent phase is shown, modify the parent phase to be hidden and the child phases to be shown.
Phases : Fix to show the child phases since the parent phase is shown.
- Removed Read and write all groups permission for Microsoft integration in External calendar