【Done / Fixed】2019/04/09 HRBC 4.0.8 Release

HR Business Cloud(HRBC) Version 4.0.8 has the following changes .



2019/04/09  07:00~09:00

*Japan Time
*The maintenance time may be slightly off.
*HRBC system can be used throughout the maintenance hours.

1. Addition of 「Conditions of Use」

・Fixed the issue that only one failed item is displayed on the bulk action delete results confirmation
page even when multiple items have failed to be executed in the bulk action delete process
・Fixed the issue of Client name not appearing when the [Back] button on the PIC merge screen is
・Fixed the issue of items appearing in doubles in the import error results page when importing Process
that does not have an existing Job attached to it
・Fixed the issue of the screen freezing on the event of clicking [See more] when selecting the reference item for Job list view when using IE 11
・Fixed the issue of the message [impact from another item] displaying only once even when the item
with results of an inter-field calculation is used in multiple items.
・Fixed the issue of 「-1」 appearing on my templates instead of 「0」 when an email template is created then deleted.
・Fixed the issue of inaccurate search results of 「Duplicate」 in Person Info and Resume when used in
the saved searches.
・Fixed the error in the Japanese sales documents.
【Release Note】
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