In the New List View, phase groups are displayed on the Job list and on the Candidate list page.
- An example of what can be done with phase groups
- How to create phase groups
- How to display phase groups on the JOB list and the Candidate list
An example of what can be done with phase groups
The processes attached to JOBS and Candidates are displayed here and the phases of each process can easily be tracked on the list view.
The number of recruitment process phases for each Job on the Job list and for each Candidate on the Candidate list can be viewed from the list view.
※ The recruitment processes with an end flag on them are not included in the count.
In the below example, it's been set to be able to view the number phases of each [①JOB Sent] [②Ok to Apply] [③Interview Stage] [④Offer Stage] .
※If you click on the number, you will be prompted to view Process on the sublist of relevant data.
In addition, you can achieve the following narrowed down results on the list view screen if you use the Filter feature:
◆ On the Job list view, narrow down the list by selecting 「Open」 on the Job phase and 「0」on 'Interview Stage'.
◆On the Candidate list view, narrow down the list by selecting 「Open」 on the Candidate phase and 「0」on 'Interview Stage'.
※Refer to an example of Recruitment Agencies' template settings based on New List View.
How to Create Phase Groups
A System Administrator user should follow the steps below to create phase groups for recruitment process.
※10 phase groups have been prepared in advance and more groups cannot be added.
【How to create groups】
Customize >Phase 「Edit」> select resource 「Process」>「Group」 tab> Edit then save.
※The group name can be edited from the pencil icon. The name appears as 『-』by default.
※Phase can be added using the + button. The × button is used to remove phase.
※One phase cannot be used in multiple phase groups.
How to display phase groups on Job list and Candidate list
The System Administrator user should follow the below steps to display the phase groups.
【How to display phase groups】
Customize> Menu & List View 「Edit」>Pencil icon on JOB or Candidate
Go to 「List View」 tab >「Fields」 then drag and drop the contents of 「Process group」 to 「Fields to be displayed in the List View」 and 「Save」